Coffee Beans Descriptions

Our Coffee Blends To Manage your tastebuds Roasted Fresh Dispatched New Zealand Wide.

1 kg Coffee Beans -Cupping Coffee Notes: Exhibits “ Fine aroma, Solid medium good body, Spicy acidity & a Full flavour with a herbal sweet Cocoa, soft, smooth and mellow. Rates 2+ Awards. We have kept this blend going as it is very popular coffee

Roasted Coffee BEANS-ZION Blend

1 kg Coffee Beans -Cupping Coffee Notes: Exhibits “ full aroma, medium to good body, good acidity & a fine flavour with a astringent herbal Bittersweet fruity Cocoa, “full bodied, soft, smooth and mellow. From Day 1 our Backward Blend Rates 3+ Awards. We have kept this blend going as it is very popular & marks our starting of great coffee dedicated to our son Izon. Certified Organic 100% Fair Trade Beans

Roasted Coffee BEANS-NOZ Blend

1 kg Coffee Beans – Cupping Coffee Notes: Coffee exhibits “ Light Citrus aroma, The Body is Light to Medium With Soft Acidity Flavour of Caramel Delicate Vanilla Beans Combining Flavour For A Fantastic Extraction. Award AA+ for Green Been Cupping Characters, Compliments Milk With a long lingering mellow silky after taste. Certified Organic 100% Fair Trade Beans.

Roasted Coffee BEANS-IZON2.5 Blend

1 kg Coffee Beans – Cupping Coffee Notes: Aroma is Earthy The Body Is Medium Acidity is Light With Malt Nutty Caramel Plantation Of Peru, Nicaragua, Guatemala, & Mexico, Our fantastic Home Barista Blend works well with Plungers & domestic Espresso Makers Certified Organic 100% Fair Trade Beans

Roasted Coffee BEANS-IZON2.5 BLEND

1 kg Coffee Beans – Cupping Coffee Notes: Aroma is Earthy The Body Is Medium Acidity is Light With Malt Nutty Caramel Plantation Of Peru, Nicaragua, Guatemala, & Mexico, Our fantastic Home Barista Blend works well with Plungers & domestic Espresso Makers Change Of Mice To Change Flavour Certified Organic 100% Fair Trade Beans.

Roasted Coffee BEANS-IZON4.5 BLEND

1 kg Coffee Beans – Cupping Coffee Notes: Bold Sweet & Fruity From the Heat of the Pacific More of a Chocolate Coco sensation (koKo Samoa) on the palette has a mild acidity, Fullness of the coffee flavour can be used all day and night Hints of the fruitfulness Certified Organic 100% Fair Trade Beans.


1 kg Coffee Beans -Cupping Coffee Notes: Designed for Kate – The Savoy Brown In High St Christchurch that was, Closed Due to the Earthquake & RED ZONE Demolitions – Flavours will live on with this unique Award Winning Blend now supplies to some of our Mobile Coffee Cars. Certified Organic 100% Fair Trade Beans.

Roasted Coffee BEANS-KSB1 BLEND

1 kg Coffee Beans – Cupping Coffee Notes: A higher altitude a little harsh spicy sour aftertaste & the sensation that the coffee leaves on the palette has a good pleasant acidity, Fullness of the coffee flavour for a morning kick to keep you going. Certified Organic 100% Fair Trade Beans.


1 kg Coffee Beans – Cupping Coffee Notes: Stronger after taste designed for a great Espresso Quality rich oil but Mild Earthy Body as the Hard Acidity is Dark With Tangy bite but mellow tones throughout, Various Plantations oxygenated stored harvest. Certified Organic 100% Fair Trade Beans.


1 kg Coffee Beans – Cupping Coffee Notes: Stronger after taste designed for a great Espresso, Quality rich oil but Mild Earthy Body as the Hard Acidity is Dark with Tangy bite, but has mellow tones throughout, Various Plantations oxygenated stored harvest Certified Organic 100% Fair Trade Beans.


1 kg Coffee Beans – Cupping Coffee Notes: For Ja’Vah (Cupa Joe Coffee) Bitter Sweet Winy also with a little floral finish, this is one of our premium coffee beans from central America regains from our café quality to the home you will be surprised of this unique flavour throughout the Day & Night 100% Fair Trade Beans.


1 kg Coffee Beans – Cupping Coffee Notes: This Blend formed from Matauri Bay with beautiful white sand, Chrystal clear water, this premium blend has a clean Bright Buttery oily sensation in the mouth that resembles rich extraction of crème from the Indonesia region Bold one of a kind (Try it when in Pihia) Certified Organic 100% Fair Trade Beans.


1 kg Coffee Beans – Cupping Coffee Notes: Heated after taste designed for a great rich Espresso, Mild Earthy Body as the Medium Acidity Has 3 Beans Blended, Roasted Separately With Distinctive bite mellow after tones throughout, Various Plantations oxygenated stored harvest Certified Organic 100% Fair Trade Beans


1 kg Coffee Beans -Cupping Coffee Notes: Sweet Tangy Mellow with Kick, long lasting while having a relaxing time in the small island of Ko Samui this blend originated after sitting cupping at a local cafe, From high altitudes & the location of Asia this blend is from the Green Bean plantations. Certified Organic 100% Fair Trade Beans.


1 kg Coffee Beans -Cupping Coffee Notes: – Designed By Izon this Coffee has a bright cup character, Spicy hints, Bold fruited notes, Medium body, a lingering Bite aftertaste Blend. Certified Organic 100% Fair Trade Beans


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