Coffee Origins



Size: 8.516 million km2, the fifth largest country
Capital City: Brasília
Population: 207.7 million
Language: Portuguese
Average farm size: Varies, between 1 hectare to 10,000 hectares
Annual production: 30 million bags
Bags exported annually: 15 millions bags
Annual domestic consumption: 15 million bags, Brazil the world’s second largest consumer of coffee in the world after the US
Growing regions and sizes: Minas Gerais (1.2 million hectares), Espírito Santo (433,000 hectares), São Paulo (216,000 hectares), Bahia (171,000 hectares), Rondônia (95,000 hectares) and Paraná (49,000 hectares)
Varieties: Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, Catuai, Catimor, Maragogype
Processing Methods: Washed, Semi-washed, Natural
Bag Size: 59 or 60 kg, Ipanema 30 kg
Harvest Period: June to September
Shipment Period: July onward

Green Coffee Beans From Brazil - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand
Green Coffee Beans From Brazil - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand

Green Coffee Beans



Size: 1.142 million km²
Capital City: Bogota
Population: 48.65 million
Language: Spanish
Average farm size: 3 acres
Annual production: 13.6 million bags
Bags exported annually: 12.2 million bags
Annual domestic consumption: 1.4 million bags
Growing regions: Through-out Colombia. The specific geographic location of each growing region determines its particular conditions of availability of water, temperature, solar radiation, and wind regime for cultivation.
Varieties: Typica, Bourbon, Caturra
Processing Methods: Washed
Bag Size: 70 kg
Harvest Period: October to March
Shipment Period: December to February

Green Coffee Beans From Colombia - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand
Green Coffee Beans From Colombia - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand

Green Coffee Beans



Size: 108,889 sq km
Capital City: Guatemala City
Population: 15.2 million
Language: Spanish
Average farm size: Varies, between 1 hectare and 50 hectares
Annual production: 4 million bags
Bags exported annually: 3.5 million bags
Annual domestic consumption: 300,000 to 400,000 bags
Growing regions and sizes: Acatenango, Antigua, Atitlan, Chimaltenango, Cobán, Fraijanes, Huehuetenango, Nuevo Oriente
Varieties: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, Typica, Maragogype, Pache
Processing Methods: Washed or mechanically mucilaged
Bag Size: 69 kg
Harvest Period: December to March
Shipment Period: February to July

Green Coffee Beans From Guatemala - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand
Green Coffee Beans From Guatemala - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand

Green Coffee Beans



Size: 112,090 sq km
Capital City: Tegucigalpa
Population: 9.113 million
Language: Spanish
Average farm size: Varies, between 1 hectare and 50 hectares
Annual production: 6.5 million bags
Bags exported annually: 6 million bags
Annual domestic consumption: 500,000 bags
Growing regions: Agalta, Comayagua, Copan, Mentecillos, Opalca, El Paraiso
Varieties: Bourbon, Caturra, Catuai, IHCAFE 90, Lempira, Typica
Processing Methods: Washed
Bag Size: 69 kg
Harvest Period: December to February
Shipment Period: January to March

Green Coffee Beans From Honduras - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand
Green Coffee Beans From Honduras - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand

Green Coffee Beans



Size: 1.905 million km²
Capital City: Jakarta
Population: 261.1 million
Languages: Bahasa Indonesia (official, modified form of Malay), English, Dutch, Javanese, other local dialects
Average farm size: Varies, between 1 hectare to 10 hectares
Annual production: 11.2 million bags
Bags exported annually: 6.6 million bags
Annual domestic consumption: 4.6 million bags
Growing regions: Robusta; Bengkulu (Sumatra), South Sulawesi, Lampung (Sumatra) and Java, Arabica; Aceh, Java, Sumatra
Varieties: 75% Robusta, 25% Arabica: Typica, Caturra, Bourbon, S-line Hybrids, Catimor, Tim Tim.
Processing Methods: Washed, Semi-washed, Natural
Bag Size: 60 kg
Harvest Period: Java; July to September, Sumatra; October to March
Shipment Period: Java; August to November, Sumatra; November to May

Green Coffee Beans From Indonesia - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand
Green Coffee Beans From Indonesia - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand

Green Coffee Beans



Size: 1.964 million km²
Capital City: Mexico City
Population: 127.5 million
Languages: Spanish
Average farm size: Less than 25 hectares
Annual production: 3.9 million bags
Bags exported annually: 2 million bags
Annual domestic consumption: 2 million bags
Growing regions: Main; Chiapas, Veracruz, Puebla, Oaxaca. Other; Guerrero, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosi, Nayarit, Colima, Jalisco, Queretaro and Tabasco
Varieties: 90% Arabica; Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, Mundo Novo, Maragogype, Catimor, Catuai and Garnica. 10% Robusta.
Processing Methods: Washed
Bag Size: 69 kg
Harvest Period: November to March
Shipment Period: January to July

Green Coffee Beans From Mexico - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand
Green Coffee Beans From Mexico - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand

Green Coffee Beans



Size: 130,370 sq km
Capital City: Managua
Population: 5.9 million
Languages: Spanish
Average farm size: 1–14 hectares
Annual production: 2.5 millions bags
Bags exported annually: 2.3 million bags
Annual domestic consumption: 180,000 bags
Growing regions: Jinotega, Matagalpa, Nueva Segovia
Varieties: Bourbon, Catuai, Catimor, Caturra, Maracaturra, Maragogype
Processing Methods: Washed, Honey, Natural
Bag Size: 69 kg
Harvest Period: October to March
Shipment Period: April to July

Green Coffee Beans From Nicaragua - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand
Green Coffee Beans From Nicaragua - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand

Green Coffee Beans

Pupua New Guinea


Size: 462,840 km²
Capital City: Port Moresby
Population: 8.085 million
Languages: Hiri Motu, Tok Pisin, English, and 848 additional tribal dialects
Average farm size: 95 per cent of PNG’s coffee is produced by smallholder growers, who typically have less than 1,500 trees
Annual production: 800,000 – 1 million bags
Bags exported annually: 800,000 – 1 million bags
Annual domestic consumption: Majority is exported
Growing regions:Western and Eastern Highlands
Varieties: Arusha, Blue Mountain, San Ramon
Processing Methods: Washed
Bag Size: 60 kg
Harvest Period: June to August
Shipment Period: August to December

Green Coffee Beans From Pupua New Guinea - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand
Green Coffee Beans From Pupua New Guinea - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand

Green Coffee Beans



Size: 1.2 million sq km
Capital City: Lima
Population: 30.7 million
Language: Spanish (official), Quechua (official), Aymara (official)
Average farm size: 3 hectares
Annual production: 4.2 million bags
Bags exported annually: 4 million bags
Annual domestic consumption: 170,000 bags
Growing regions and sizes: Amazonas, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cusco, Huánaco, Junin, Pura, Puno, Villa Rica
Varieties: Bourbon, Typica, Catuai, Caturra, Mundo Novo, Pache
Processing Methods: Washed
Bag Size: 69 kg
Harvest Period: August to October
Shipment Period: November to December

Green Coffee Beans From Peru - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand
Green Coffee Beans From Peru - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand

Green Coffee Beans



Size: 945,087 km²
Capital City: Dodoma
Population: 55.57 million
Language: Kiswahili, English, Arabic
Average farm size: Smallholders with less than 1 hectare
Annual production: 800,000 bags
Bags exported annually: 800,000 bags
Annual domestic consumption: Most is exported, around 7% is consumed domestically
Growing regions and sizes: Western, Southern, Northern regions
Varieties: Bourbon, Kents, Typica, and Blue Mountain
Processing Methods: Fully washed
Bag Size: 60 kg
Harvest Period: October to December
Shipment Period: October to February

Green Coffee Beans From Tanzania - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand
Green Coffee Beans From Tanzania - Quality Beans imported to New Zealand

Green Coffee Beans

Roasting Quality Green Beans

We at Izon Coffee Roastery Use John Burtons Green Beans That offers a comprehensive range of high quality graded beans from a variety of origins. These origins have been selected on the basis of quality, flavour and profile to meet the needs of the New Zealand coffee community.

From Around The World


Founder / 2004 Coffee designer


Office / General Manager


Dispatch / Organization Manager


Quality Controller Photographer